'Mesrine pt.1'
The last time I went to Paris on the Eurostar (about 4 years ago) I ate a fantastic dinner at a restaurant in St Germain called 'Ze Kitchen Galeri' notable both for what it wasn't: old-fashioned, posh, expensive (due to the favourable exchange rate) as well as for what it was: precise, skilled, & perhaps a little playful rather than pretentious. Since then the chef, William Leduil, has picked up a Michelin star and Ze Kitchen seems to be firing on all cylinders. Another Frenchman who seems to be firing on all cylinders is Vincent Cassel, star of new French gangster flick 'Mesrine: Killer Instinct'. With ingredients including Cassel, Gerard Depardieu, Ludovine Sagnier, Cécile De France & a liberal sprinkling of facial hair, wigs, guns, gangsters, torture & sick humour ("What do you call an Arab in a trash can? A waste, you can get three in there ..."), director Jean-François Richet ceates a fantastic visual feast. Playful rather then pretentiou...