Snowboarding on Primrose Hill

Primrose Hill is an amazing place to live. What's more we now have our own piste, if only for one day.

To recap: It's Monday 2nd February, it's been snowing all night (as predicted for days before), and in the early light just before dawn (7.45am) it's still snowing.

What to do? Get out there and make the most of it, of course ...

When I got to the top there were already 20 or so children and parents who quite natutrally had decided that they we're going to have some fun and take the day off.

As you'd imagine, with no piste grooming facilities it was real back to basics stuff, but pretty soon there were a couple of jumps and things got a bit more lively...

But by 9.30 am, and with hundreds more people recklessly throwing themselves down the hill on sheets of cardboard, plastic, trays, whatever ... it was time to leave the latecomers to it.


  1. This reads like rather a eulogy to Salma now Bloodster... you and her, at one with the Hill, before that disastrous day in Zermatt.


    Long live the BDC


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